One Tree Planted - One purchase for one tree
Partnering with One Tree Planted
We are happy to announce our support and partnership with One Tree Planted, a non-profit 501(c)3 organisation on a mission to reforest our planet and provide education, awareness and engagement on the importance of trees. One Tree Planted was created by Matt Hill in Shelburne Vermont in 2014 with a simple and strong promise: One dollar. One tree.
For us at Lillagunga, and you as a customer this means that for every purchase we receive, one tree will be planted.
As wood (Birch and Oak) is our main component in all of our products, we felt this was a great gesture of giving something back to mother nature for this extraordinary material.
Here in Finland we have historically been (and still are) very dependent on wood as a raw material, and hence established know-how in forest management of the greatest kind. Historically the livelihood and cultural development of humans has been more dependent on forests here, than anywhere else in Europe. With this understanding of the importance of this fine material, we handle forests with the greatest respect, and we ensure that production is done with sustainability in mind.