August 2016
Lillagunga goes Flow festival
In the middle of August 2016 Lillagunga got the opportunity to take part in Flow Festival in Helsinki. Flow Festival is an annual urban music and arts festival which has grown to an attractive happening and drawn increasing international attention. Since 2004 the festival has grown rapidly from around 2000 to over 60 000 visitors in 2013.

© Flow Festival
In co-operation with Zalando, Lillagunga installed three Lillagunga Grand swings inside the new venue Zalando Factory. The swings were tailor-made for the event with special rope colours and were hanging more than six meters from the ground. During the three-day festival visitors had the pleasure to enjoy music, drinks and street food while swinging and resting their feet in the Lillagunga Grand swings.
The Lillagunga Grand swing is explicitly designed for grown-up kids and adults. The beautiful design of the swing makes it perfect to be placed in your home, at the office, in a bar lounge or at venues, like here at Flow Festival. Lillagunga Grand can also be tailored in custom colours and with your name or logo on the back of the wooden seat.
© Flow Festival
Beyond the music, Flow Festival is about urban spaces, visual arts, film screenings, talks, design as well as an exceptional array of world spanning cuisine and drinks. Flow Festival has even been described as one of the most unique experiences in live music today! The event takes place at an old power plant in Suvilahti with industrial surroundings and is situated only a short walk away from the center of Helsinki.
© Flow Festival